St Mogue's Rural Community Centre

4 Months to 18 Months
About The Fern Room
Our care and education of your baby is grounded in theory which recognises that from birth children are active and competent learners. They are pre-wired to be curious and to discover and learn about themselves and the environment.
It is hugely important for babies to have an early years practitioners who provides warm, emotionally satisfying, stimulating and reciprocal relationships.
The baby's motivation to learn is most effective in a child-centred, play-based environment. As such, your baby's daily and weekly rhythm in St Mogue's is largely determined by your child’s individual routine. The day comprises of playtime, feeding, care and sleep routines and outdoor play (once your child is up and walking).
How We Nurture Your Baby's Development
The environment in the baby room is designed to encourage discovery, exploration, creativity, problem solving and self-expression.
Play and Activities include:
Music movement/singing/musical instruments
Sensory toys
Construction toys
Small world toys
Interactive toys
Treasure Basket play
Sensory/messy play (including paint, play dough, sand, water, gloop, etc.)
Large motor equipment and activities
How We Communicate Your Baby's Growth To You
Daily logs to record your child’s:
Sleep times
Care routines
Administration of medication
See our page about how we document your child's growth to find out more.
Childcare Centre
Further Information
Want to book a place? Here's a handy booking form.
Have a question? Here's our contact information.